Abed Benaichouche
Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abed Benaichouche has completed his PhD from Ecole Nationale Superieur des Mines de Paris and Postdoctoral studies from French Geological Survey. He is a Senior Research Engineer and Team Leader at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, (IIAI) the UAE’s national research organization, which aims for breakthroughs in fundamental and applied AI research. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals and international conferences. Before joining IIAI, he has worked for 2 years in BRGM (France) as Research Engineer. He designed and developed the Suricate-Nat platform; interactive web platform to collect information and analyzing it using NLP techniques on natural disasters emitted by citizens using social networks Twitter. He was also the Project Manager of the development of international interoperable platform for multi-risk analysis.
Abstract : Overview of recent advance of deep learning application in computer vision